Saturday, August 23, 2008

Melancholy Memories (Updated)

I came across this picture on the internet and I immediately was taken back to conversations my Mother would have about her summers in Baltimore as a kid. She always talked about the bleach white steps on the houses. I thought she would appreciate the memory.

Per Mom's comment:
The Painted Screens of Baltimore

Foe more information on Baltimore's Painted Screens go to:



harliegram said...

Oh yes, I loved the sight of the white steps in front ot the red brick of the rows of houses. And something I have never seen anywhere else in the world, they would paint the screens in the windows with beautiful scenery, this would still allow the air to come through but you could not see through them. So it presented a pleasant sight as you drove past but afforded the occupants a measure of privacy.


harliegram said...

Okay Kiddo, now you did it. This really brings the memories to the surface and a tear to the eye. I Have a clear picture rolling around in my head from so many years ago. Thank you.
