Sunday, February 24, 2008

Ketchup Time

I haven't posted much for the past few days and it is time for me to catch up. We had bad weather here and I had to pull some overtime at work. A couple of people couldn't make it in. I went to work on Thursday night at 11:00, left at 9:30 Friday morning, went back at 6:00 PM Friday night and then left at 8:00 Saturday morning. Needless to say, I slept a lot on Saturday to get myself back to normal. I kind of feel like I have been beaten up.
In the past week, I have re watched some great movies. I watched Shakespeare in Love, Sense & Sensibility, Across The Universe, Fallen and Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision.
I have been enjoying "Lost" on TV. That show just keeps getting better and better. As the show answers five old mysteries it starts ten new ones.
I am also loving the winter edition of "Big Brother" My favorite "Couples" in the house so far are: James/Chelsea & Joshauh/Sharon. Big drama last night as two of the girls got deathly sick and ambulances came and took them away. The video online of Amanda fainting and going into convulsions was really intense and frightening to watch. The incident won't appear on CBS until Wednesday night. I wonder how much of it they will show.
I did learn something new though. there is a "Panic" button in the Big Brother house that the contestants can push if there is an emergency. It overrides all of CBS's safeguards and rings at the Police and Fire Departments. Allison was with the on-set doctors because of her allergic reaction to something she ate, when Amanda fainted ,due to hypoglycemia, the other house guests could not get in the diary room to get help, so they had to push the emergency button and the ambulance and fire fighters were there in a matter of a couple of minutes. Both of the girls are ok now and are back in the house. The doctors at the hospital gave them both medicines to help if they have another attack. The Big Brother "Slop" is now gone out of the house. My guess is that they will have to watch more carefully when they are "starving" the contestants in the future.
Thursday is "National Tooth Fairy Day". I found a great picture that I will post on Thursday.

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