Saturday, November 8, 2008

Express Yourself, Don't Repress Yourself

New Feature Added To Blog !!!
At the bottom of each post is the new feature called "Express Yourself." All you have to do is click the box next to the choice. You don't have to be logged in to use this feature like you do with the comment section. (BTW: the "Comment" box is now called "Folks Spoke Up")
Your choices for now are "Love", "Like", "Hate" or "Yawn". Please click a box so I can get some kind of feed back. Also, if you time please do comment. I really enjoy the feedback.
I appreciate each and every reader of this blog and hope you enjoy this new feature.


Anonymous said...

Well, where in the hey is the "yawn"?? Sorry I don't give ya feedback very often, but I do so love reading your blog. Also enjoy, like you, reading the feedbacks. Keep up the good work.
Your "pisser" buddy

Maverick2464 said...

Thank You Rosie (or shall I name you Pisser2 as it takes one to know one)

ZenDenizen said...

I really like the new look and feel of the blog (great logo on top). I'm not brave enough to add the "express yourself" checkboxes though :) Can't go wrong when quoting Human Nature by Madonna though!